Monday, September 12, 2022

Teach You How To Sell Your Movie Screenplay


I have sold spec movie scripts for up to $240K

starting in 2005 when the
Hollywood buying

frenzy of the 80's was all but over, but they are

still hungry for scripts that will earn them money.

Learn From a 7-times-SOLD SCREENWRITER

        What You Need To Know


Over 99.9% of all screenwriters will never sell a script

because most pitches to buyers don't have the

one simple element

that motivates a buyer to even want to READ the script.

As long as your screenplay is commercially viable

( see my gig "The 8 Plot Points Required To Sell A Script" )

this pdf will teach you:

- how to use google, wikipedia & imdb to QUICKLY (half hour)

figure out which buyers would actually want it

- how to write a pitch/query letter in a way that GUARANTEES

every studio exec you send to will actually want to read your

script and INVITE YOU to send it. Then it is no longer deemed

"unsolicited material".



Even though he was sick - seller still responded in timely fashion and was committed to getting work done.


It’s as described. It was nice to get an experienced POV of the entertainment industry so I can make a plan when it comes to selling my script.


Lightning fast turnaround time. Compelling material. Absolutely integral information for any new screenwriter looking to get into the game.


Great work!


Good strategies on how to sell a script.

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